3 Reasons to consider treating your dog’s cancer through a whole foods diet.

boiler-2Many people may be conflicted about treating their dogs’  cancer outside of the traditional medicine protocol. I am not here to try to convince anyone of anything, but if I can help swing the scales a bit for someone already leaning towards natural remedies, I’d like to share my three reasons for choosing the natural route for Bart.

1. It’s a harsh fact to consider, but our animal friends’ life spans are regretfully shorter than that of an average human, even if they remain healthy all their years. This is obvious, but I really do think that in times of duress and panic involving your dog’s health, many people somehow shut themselves off to this fact. We all do it in one way or another regarding a myriad of issues. It’s called cognitive dissonance*, and it basically means that under certain circumstances human nature clouds our clear thinking. So when considering the lifespan of our four-legged babies, it is wise to ask yourself a few questions. If your dog is a senior: “Is my senior dog simply at the end of his or her life, and should I prepare for letting him or her go?” If your dog is not a senior, but a young adult, “Would he or she choose chemotherapy if they had the ability to understand what it is and what it entails?” “Is it actually worth putting my dog through more pain and anxiety?” And another important question to ask that unfortunately must be addressed, “Can I afford conventional treatments even if they fail?”  The amount of time Bart was given by the oncologist with chemotherapy was going to only be 8 months and 3 months if I chose “nothing,” which is possibly how this doctor would consider the path I took. Well it has been over 3 years now, and Bart is a mature 11 years old.

2. For me, the most important reason I chose to go this route with Bart was the fact that I knew he would be happy eating home cooked meals even if he only lived for a few more weeks or months. I just wanted to make him as comfortable and as happy as I could before we have to say goodbye. I have definitely succeeded here. He seemed happier these past 3 years than he had his whole life. He really loves his meals.

3. The cost of feeding your dog a whole food diet varies depending on the size of your dog, but the cost of conventional chemotherapy does not. Conventional medicine is expensive and extensive. A Whole Foods diet for you dog will cost you more than kibble, and it is a commitment, but it is far cheaper than conventional methods, prescriptions, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and doctor’s appointments.

*wikipedia: In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

Check out the anti-cancer diet I’ve been using with Bart for the past 3+ years: https://doggeared.wordpress.com/an-anti-cancer-diet-for-dogs/

If you have success stories of your own, please feel free to share them on this blog by hitting reply. I would love to hear from you!

Another Success Story From A Doggeared Reader!

Last night I got not one, but two responses from people who came across my site who are also cooking for their dogs to defeat cancer. Kylie shared this about her dog Bear. The image below is from:

I too have had great success with my boy and his diet. Bear was diagnosed with mast cell grade 3 cancer 11 months ago, they wanted to start chemo ASAP. They said chemo would give him 1-2 years but with no chemo they gave him 3-5 months max! He wasn’t showing signs of sickness so I thought why risk him getting sick from chemo. So I completely changed his diet.2334aaf77efaea31fee724a613e2b153
When he wakes up he has 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 tablespoon flax seed, then he will have 3 k9 immunity chews. After we walk its more cottage cheese n flax seed oil. For lunch he gets boiled veggies with flax seed oil, fossil flour (I’m assuming she is referring to Silica) and flax seed powder mixed, 2 apricot kernels and organic free range chicken with turmeric, garlic and ginger. When I get home from work he has cottage cheese and flax seed oil again, then an hour later he has dinner which is the veggies and chicken again.
So here we are 11 months on and he is doing great, he has so much energy on our 4km walks he overtakes my other dog, you wouldn’t think he was the one battling cancer.
Also this might help you Sue! He was suffering from arthritis for about 2 years. After long walks he would limp for 1-2 days. I was getting him injections every 2nd week but didn’t really see much difference. I then tried chews which did help a little. But then I found turmeric! I add fresh turmeric and also powder turmeric to his main meals. Now no limps at all and I think it’s thanks to the turmeric. Maybe you could give that a try also Google it?


Congratulations to you and Bear!

Anise, Fennel, Licorice for Dogs – What’s the Difference?

I just love Dogs Naturally Magazine!
Did you know you can give your dog anise, fennel and licorice? Yes they are all different, and they each have wonderful health benefits for your canine buddy.  From:

http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com (follow this link for a free 30 day subscription and 10% off if you choose to order in the future!)


Anise, fennel and licorice. These three delicious culinary and medicinal herbals are common ingredients in foods, treats and herbal remedies. With a little explanation, you’ll understand why they are commonly confused and how you can choose which to use for your pet.

Anise, fennel and licorice are three entirely different plants, but they all have similar taste properties. They are all sweet and aromatic. This often leads to confusion when eating products that contain any one of them.


Anise is an herb that’s quite often used in western herbal products. The seed and the oil are used more often than the root or leaf.

Anise (Pimpinella anisum), is in the aster or daisy family. Some call this Roman Fennel. Its flowers are star-shaped and it is commonly called star anise.

Anise is a remedy for several ailments including:

  • intestinal gas
  • upset stomach
  • runny nose
  • cough
  • urine flow
  • appetite stimulation
  • seizures
  • asthma
  • constipation

The oil is used in products for external parasitic and other skin conditions.

The natural chemical constitution of anise oil is 80 to 95 percent anethole, a phenolic ether. Phenolic ethers are strong in fragrance and in action. Anise oil is rich in both phenolics and phenylpropanoids which can perform several important functions in the body –  cleansing receptor sites, eating up free radicals and protecting your pet from harmful viruses and bacteria. Additionally, other natural chemical constituents in anise can have estrogen-like effects and insecticidal properties.(1)


Fennel seeds are the Ayurvedic herbal seeds commonly found at the exit of Eastern Indian restaurants. They are healthy “after dinner mints”. They are consumed for their digestion-enhancing and breath-freshening properties.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a member of the parsley family and the crushed seeds can be steam distilled to release the essential oil. Consumption of the oil can promote healthy digestion.

It expels worms and has antiseptic, antispasmodic and analgesic properties. (2) It is used in mouthwashes, toothpastes and even dog treats!

Try fennel for these conditions:

  • indigestion
  • nausea
  • intestinal spasms
  • parasites

The natural chemical constitution of fennel oil is 50 to 70 percent anethole, the same phenolic ether that exists in an even higher concentration in anise. Anise and fennel oils are interchangeable in the practice of aromatherapy. Other chemistry in anise makes it a better choice if a diuretic or stimulant is desired. The chemistry in fennel makes it a better choice to facilitate birthing or enhance lactation. (1)


Licorice is the great “harmonizer” in many Chinese herbal formulas. It helps other herbs blend together. It makes the overall formula more palatable, especially for pets, and is soothing to the tummy!

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is the sweet herb used in the manufacture of real licorice candy, although many candies labeled as licorice use the copycat flavor of anise instead.

Licorice can be beneficial for some of the following conditions:

  • arthritis and joint pain
  • digestive issues
  • liver health, detoxification and support
  • respiratory issues with mucus membrane involvement
  • urinary tract infections

There is also recent evidence that phytoestrogens exert beneficial actions on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers reported licorice to be effective against Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for stomach ulcers. The same paper states, “aqueous solutions of some kinds of licorice saponins solubilize water-insoluble substances such as α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) and oleanolic acid (a fatty acid).” (3) This affirms the long-held Chinese assertion that licorice harmonizes or blends other formula constituents together.

In dogs, hypoadrenocorticism or Addison’s disease is somewhat common, but underdiagnosed. It is often called the “ain’t doin’ right” disease. Classic symptoms of Addison’s can be seen in a dog who is stressed by going to the groomer or the vet and may develop diarrhea or nausea, which usually passes on its own.  If Addison’s is diagnosed (through an ACTH stimulation test), licorice is a potential treatment.

Most pets love licorice root because it is naturally sweet. Some say it is about 50 times as sweet as sugar. Thankfully it is a zero on the glycemic index, so there are no sugar calories or insulin- spiking impact! (4) If your pet enjoys licorice, you can combine the extract periodically, in tiny amounts, with other herbal supplements to entice consumption.

Caution: Licorice consumption can affect the body’s production of cortisol, which helps the body manage stress and proper immune function. A licorice metabolite (GA) inhibits the enzyme responsible for inactivating cortisol (known as 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2). Long term consumption of large doses of licorice extract can lead to hypokalemia (low potassium) and serious hypertension (high blood pressure).


Pet products containing fennel, anise or licorice generally list dosing instructions depending on their concentration and whether or not they are mixed with other ingredients. The potency varies depending on whether the product is whole ground herb, an extract, granular concentrate or even an essential oil version of the herb, so it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you buy human products, the dosing instructions are based on a 150 lb human, so just adjust the dosage for your dog’s weight. This is a standard way to dose herbs and can be used for other herbal products as well.

http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com (Follow this link for a free 30 day subscription and 10% off if you choose to order in the future!)


Doggeared Reader Contribution on how Cancer-Fighting Diet Really Works to Stave Off Cancer!

I want to share a success story with you all from Anna, a reader who recently found my website. Below she details her situation and protocol: bullmastiff-dog-painting-svetlana-novikova

(Above picture is from http://fineartamerica.com)

“Hi Sue, your blog is amazing! I want to share my current situation with your readers as I know how hard it is to find sources of information on what pet owners are doing to help their pets with Cancer. My Bullmastiff boy, Luka was diagnosed with Histiocytic Sarcoma a month ago. He has had arthritis in his leg joint for a few years now but his limp recently got worse and his joint was swollen. Then I noticed a lump (size of a tennis ball) pop out on his chest. I took him to the vet the same day where we did a biopsy and that’s when he was diagnosed with Histiocytic Sarcoma in the lymph node. We also found out that he has it on the joint as well. We were going to go ahead with radiation as it was localized, but during his CT Scan, they found tiny growths in his lungs as well, the largest being less than 3 millimeters in diameter. The oncologist suggested we switch to Chemo instead of radiation which might buy him 3 to 6 months. In the meantime, I have done a lot of research and started him on Dr. Budwig protocol right away which he has been on for almost a month now. I also cook all of his food and took him off of all kibble and canned foods. The lymph node is half the size now and he stopped limping. He runs around with our Doberman and doesn’t seem to be in any pain. Here is the diet that I currently have him on which is very similar to yours:

– 2 stocks of Broccoli
– 4 large carrots
– half medium size cauliflower
– 4 lbs of Chicken Gizzards or Chicken Livers
– 2 Soup bones with meat on them
– 4 cloves of Garlic
(This feeds both of them for 2 days – 4 meals total for 2 large breed dogs)

I cook the bones to ensure the bone marrow is part of the soup base for about 45 min. I chop all vegetables and cook everything in Distilled Water (we live on an acreage and have well water so I am eliminating all possible contaminants). I also cook them salmon or halibut, chicken breasts and give it to them as treats and use the fish skin to wrap their vitamins.

I give him 3 tablespoons of cold pressed, organic flaxseed oil mixed in with 6 tablespoons of 1% Cottage Cheese (Liberte brand as it’s non homogenized). I mix the cottage cheese with the flaxseed oil with a fork to ensure it’s all blended together and feed it to them before the meals so it gets absorbed on an empty stomach. I also squirt liquid Phytoplankton (from Natural Health Food Store) – adult dose to the mixture, but don’t mix it in. They seem to love it.

As for vitamins:
– Vitamin E
– Vitamin Ester C (instead of Vitamin C as dogs naturally produce vitamin C so additional Vitamin C will cause kidney stones)
– Glucosamine
– Krill Oil

He is also on Deramax (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) for joint swelling and Gapapentin for pain but I have been giving him half the dose of what was originally recommended by the vet and he’s been on those for over a year now.

After reading your protocol and doing some research, I will add B17, Carnivora and Essiac Tea to his diet as well. I will keep you posted on his progress. Thanks again for all of the great information!”

This is so wonderful! I hope all who see this are given even more hope in the plight against canine cancer.

A Dog Snood for a Cool Dude!

Bart SnoodWhen we last went to the chiropractor, the Dr. told us that Bart’s neck was super tight from  bracing against the cold and wind. He recommended that we get him a snood – a scarf for dogs. Well, I knew exactly where to go. I have been wearing an Amy Benson original of my own for a couple winters now and love it! She is an artist in Illinois who knits wonderful scarves that are a complete loop, like a turtle neck sweater. I commissioned one for Bart and she color coordinated it to match his coat and booties! He honestly loves it and he’s been moving around without any neck stiffness since we’ve been putting it on him. I will admit that Bart is a funny fella who doesn’t mind being dressed up for the winter, but I highly recommend this for any dog with a short coat in a cold climate.

Contact me through the comments or on facebook for Amy’s info. if you want one made for your pooch. At $20 + shipping and handling, it’s a steal! These are also for people, so if you’re in the market for a contained scarf you should really consider giving your hard earned cash to a small independent. Amy doesn’t have a fancy shop or an Etsy account just yet. (I’m working on helping her out with that.) She works out of her home as an independent artisan. She will donate a certain amount of the cost to an animal based charity for every snood she sells. No kick backs for me, I’m just sharing a really good thing.

These 18 remedies can save you thousands on vet bills.

Screen Shot 2014-12-28 at 9.24.00 AMI know a lot of my followers are Holistic Health minded and would love to have a more hands on approach to keeping their pets healthy.  How many of us wished that we had gone to veterinary school when we were younger? I know I have thought about it over the years.

Well, I just signed up to partner with Dogs Naturally magazine and discovered that one of the things they offer is an at-home Homeopathy Course available for anyone to take and learn how to more effectively and immediately care for our four-legged babies! I have never taken this course myself but I plan to check it out in the future when I have more time on my hands.

The course comes with a complete kit, a case full of remedies to keep on hand, a text book, online course, bonus remedies and recorded Q&A sessions with Dr. Falconer, the teacher of the course.

Imagine the money you can save over the lifetime of your dogs when you know homeopathic remedies for basic situations that can cost hundreds of dollars at the emergency vet and even regular vet office visits.

“Dr Will Falconer is considered one of the top homeopathic vets in North America and his clients pay top dollar just to get a one hour consult. Dogs Naturally has asked Dr Falconer to summarize much of his work into a easy-to-use course to help dog owners – for a fraction of the cost of a homeopathic vet visit.” – Dogs Naturally Magazine

Follow this link for details: http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/offers/homeopathy/

If you do take this step by step course, will you let me know what you thought of it by leaving me a comment below?

Happy Holidays!

Jdownload-2 copyust wanted to stop by and wish everyone Happy Holidays! Bart is sleeping in his bed to my left, and we are enjoying a quiet night listening to some educational audios, doing homework and sipping on wine.

May you all have a pleasant and delightful holiday season!

From Bart and me.

New Film “Second Opinion” Exposes the Truth About a 40-Year Long Cover-Up of Laetrile Cancer Treatment

Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 4.46.14 PMDr. Mercola has put an important documentary on his website that will be available for free, for a short time from Oct 18th to Oct 24th. Laetril, or Amygdalin or B17 which is contained in the pit of the apricot seed among other sources, is a very important part of Bart’s regimen. I watched this film in its entirety and also watched the additional 70 mins of footage that they added as a bonus. I highly recommend viewing this film. This movie tells two stories, one about the health benefits of laetril in the treatment of early stages of cancer, and another about how we’ve been lied to and why. The image above is not active. Watch the film by following the link below.

The B17 or Laetril Aka. Amygdalin Controversy

Screen Shot 2014-10-04 at 12.45.36 PMB17, laetril aka amygdalin is a controversial treatment against cancer cells. I recently had a discourse with a friend about the use of this vitamin and felt like I would share some good info. on the blog detailing what I have come to know about B17.

I lifted this information directly from natural news’ website: http://www.naturalnews.com/031336_laetrile_cancer_cells.html

(NaturalNews) “There is some confusion surrounding laetrile or B17 for curing cancer. Laetrile was banned by the FDA in 1971 despite its proven efficacy. But the source of laetrile or B17, which are both the same, is legally available. That natural substance source is amygdalin. Unfortunately, many falsely believe this poses a serious cyanide poisoning threat.

Amygdalin`s Best Source

An Australian mainstream newspaper told the story of a man who cured himself of cancer by consuming large amounts of apricot kernels containing amygdalin daily while improving his overall diet. The soft, bitter kernels are contained in the hard apricot pits.

Jill Stark opened her March 10, 2010 article with, “Paul Reid should be dead. Diagnosed with a rare, incurable lymphoma, he was given five years, seven tops, by his oncologist.” The article included a photo of a healthy Reid, smiling with a platter full of fresh foods at age 68, 13 years after his prognosis. (Sydney Morning Herald, source below)

As of that publication, Paul Reid was still on his organic diet, consuming a small amount of apricot kernels daily for maintenance. Any alternative cancer healing protocol requires radical dietary improvement, which includes abstaining from sugar. His cancer curing protocol consisted of consuming 30 apricot kernels per day.

Despite official warnings regarding cyanide poisoning from amygdalin, Reid did not suffer cyanide poisoning eating 30 kernels a day!

How Amygdalin Kills Only Cancer Cells

Amygdalin contains four substances. Two are glucose, the third is benzaldehyde, and the fourth is cyanide. Yes, cyanide and benzaldehyde are poisons if they are appear as free molecules not bound within other molecular formations. Many foods, including vitamin B12, contain cyanide. But they are safe because the cyanide remains bound and locked as part of another molecule.

There is an enzyme in normal cells to catch some free cyanide molecules and render them harmless by combining them with sulfur. That enzyme is rhodanese. By binding the cyanide to sulfuric rhodanese, it is converted to a cyanate, which is a neutral substance. Then it is easily passed through the urine with no harm to the normal cells.

Cancer cells thrive on fermenting sugar instead of metabolizing with oxygen. Amygdalin contains two glucose molecules. So the amygdalin molecules are quite appealing to sugar hungry cancer cells. And cancer cells contain an enzyme that normal cells do not share, beta-glucosidase.

This enzyme is considered the unlocking enzyme for amygdalin molecules. It releases both the benzaldehyde and the cyanide, creating a toxic synergy that destroys cancer cells. The cancer cell`s beta-glucosidase enzyme causes cancer cells to self destruct by opening themselves to the cyanide and benzaldehyde.

This is how cancer cells are tricked and targeted by amygdalin. Chemotherapy does not discriminate. It kills healthy cells and destroys one`s immune system.


One needs to be on a good organic diet while avoiding all processed foods when treating cancer. Sugar is an absolute no-no for any cancer treatment. It just feeds the cancer cells. Sugar can allow cancer cells to thrive while ignoring amygdalin`s poisons, leaving too many healthy cells with the burden of avoiding any incidental cyanide breakdowns from abundant amygdalin.

This burden and extreme apricot kernel consumption could leak some cyanide into healthy cells. But the warning signs are early and clear. Any nausea, dizziness, or headaches indicate it`s time to slow down the amygdalin dosage, or cut the sugar.

It`s generally advised that a do-it-yourself cancer treatment should be combined with one or two other protocols. The Budwig diet, which will not permit synthetically derived laetrile or B17 tablets, allows natural amygdalin from consuming apricot kernels.”

Find sources and other important links relating to this topic here:

Bart has surpassed 3 years as a survivor!

download-2Here he is, the dog of the hour! Bart has surpassed three years as a cancer survivor and thriver! On Sept. 29th 2011 we were told that without chemo, radiation or cancer drugs he would not live past 3 months. Well, we showed them. He’s still going strong and the only reason he’s slowing down is because he’s almost 11! So for everyone out there who has been wondering, yes he’s doing very well, and we are so happy about that.

In this image – taken Friday of last week – he’s waiting for his friend, Stella to come out for a walk. She lives around the block from us and they’ve been best friends for possibly 9 years!  Life is good.
Sorry for not updating the blog often. I do update the facebook page regularly though so come over and like us if you haven’t already. Blessings and health to all!

Latest update on Bart

Bart brushed back I apologize for not regularly updating this site. I do most of my Bart updates and posts on facebook these days, but so many people find us through this site, so I want to let you all know that Bart is still alive and well, and doing even better now that winter is over and spring is beginning to feel like spring!  Tonight, May 1rst, we cooked up a batch of food for my boy, and here he is eagerly awaiting his chicken treats.

I couldn’t resist this picture because he somehow flipped his ear back and had a piece of carrot in his nostril. He’s so irritated that I put the camera in his face all the time.

Anyway, I will try to remember to update this site more regularly too, but do come over to the doggeared facebook page if you want more consistent updates and tid bits of  relevant information I find and share. https://www.facebook.com/Canine.Cancer.Remedies

Bart is back from vacation

GE DIGITAL CAMERAI’m happy to report all is still very well in our world. We just got back from visiting my parents for the holidays and I took some cute pictures of him have a great time where the weather was pretty amazing. We were in Tennessee this past week and couldn’t have asked for a better climate, especially since we left Chicago during a big snow storm.
Here he is enjoying a game of ball. Basically he chased the ball a while and then proceeded to give it all he had to pop it. New balls are just so annoying when they are still full of air.

GE DIGITAL CAMERAHere is is punishing the new ball with fierce concentration. We had a great trip, but missed our kitties terribly. Fortunately they were as happy to have us home as we are to be home.

Happy Holidays to everyone reading this post. I hope you find great success in treating your pets naturally should you need any.
Love from Bart!

Noni in capsule form!

Screen shot 2013-12-19 at 3.01.02 PMRecently, our local health food store changed the brand of Noni Juice they were carrying, and the price escalated to a whopping $38.00 for 32oz. If you are treating your pooch with the same kind of regimen we are, you know that it can get a little pricey, especially if you have a larger dog. Bart weighs upwards of 65lbs these days. Well, I was resigned to suck it up and continue to purchase the juice from the same store, after all, they always have it in stock when I need it. But a few days before we were about to run out of our supply, I looked at an advertisement slip that came in my recent order from Apricot Power, the company that sells the B17 and Apricot Seeds we give Bart, and I discovered that they sell Noni in capsules! The capsules are 450 milligrams, at 90 per bottle, and the cost is $15.96 on sale from $19.95! That dose is way higher than what we’ve been giving Bart on a daily basis, so we decided we could give him 1/2  a capsule every day and save a ton of money in the process! This is going to last us for six months! We purchased a bottle on Saturday and I just got a notice that it shipped today. I will keep you all posted on how he does on the new form of Noni.

Life is showing me every day that this really is a very kind universe!

To get there go to www.apricotpower.com

Bart celebrates his two year anniversary!

DSCN5661Yesterday marked two years from the day that the vet at the emergency clinic gave us some very bleak prospects for our little boy’s future.  He advised that we give him chemo, and he would last maybe 8 more months. We said, “Thank you, but no.” and left the office in tears. It was shortly after that meeting that I asked my vet to help me find a  cancer fighting diet for him, and I also began doing some of my own research, adding herbs and other supplements to the regimen. And thankfully today, we still have him with us, happy and as far as I can see, healthy as a pup should be. We took him to the beach yesterday and for a romp in the woods today. He got a little ball time and a bath today, and now he is conked out on his doggy bed. I just wanted to share this recent photo of him before we go for our nightly walk and turn in for the day. Here’s to you and your valiant spirit, your zest for life, and your eternal ability to make me laugh, Bart! I love you more than words could ever describe.

My new favorite chopping tool!

It has been a while since I  have updated the blog. Bart is still thriving and it is near the two year mark! We have begun chiropractic treatments for arthritis in the spine and I really see a profound difference in how he walks after the adjustment. This is good stuff, this chiropractic care!

I wanted to add a new entry to share about my new favorite tool for chopping and preparing Bart’s vegetables. I bought the Ninja Professional Stackable Chopper with 6 16oz Bowls and Lids – NJ1006 30 at Bed Bath and Beyond for about $40. It is fantastic! I don’t have a lot of room to store a large food processor, so this compact machine fits perfectly in my cabinets. It is super fast and very powerful. I’m really happy with it so far, so I highly recommend that purchase. I hope it lasts longer than my last chopper.  I got the old one as an X-mas present from my mom and dad, so I was sad when it broke because it was pretty nice, but the Ninja took care of that sorrow really fast.


So much has happened in our lives since my last post, but the most important thing is that Bart is still doing so well. He still loves his food, and we’re still enjoying trips to the beach and the woods. That I can say is the one thing that hasn’t seen much change over the past several months, thank goodness.

I hope these blog posts help you and your dog should you need any. I’ve been busy, but I will try to keep updating more often. I am also taking a 30 day fast from facebook, but that is almost over.  If you had posted any questions there, I apologize for not getting back to you right away. My settings are such that I should get an email notification for every message, but just in case any slipped through the cracks, now you know why and I apologize if they did.

Essiac Tea and Your Dog’s Cancer

First of all, what the heck is Essiac Tea? http://www.essiacinfo.org/essiac.html   

Essiac, given its name by Rene Caisse (“caisse” spelled backwards), consists of four main herbs that grow in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. The original formula is believed to have its roots from the native Canadian Ojibway Indians.


The four main herbs that make up Essiac are Burdock RootSlippery Elm Inner BarkSheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root. You may click on each herb for a more detailed description.

Below is a great resource about how to use Essiac tea to treat your dog’s cancer.  There are many testimonials that offer a lot of help as well.  Here is an excerpt from the page: http://www.caninecancer.com/essiac.html

“Essiac for Pets
Essiac may help your pet’s health by:

As a general guide for treating animals, it is best to assess the dosage according to your pet’s weight.


15 to 40lbs (7 – 18kg):   1/2 ounce of tea, twice per day
40 – 80lbs (18 – 36kg):   1 ounce of tea, twice per day
Over 80lbs:   2-3 ounces of tea, twice per day


The best results are seen in animals who had a much larger dose than these recommended doses. However,  an issue with large doses for pets is the amount of Rhubarb they end up taking. Rhubarb is a laxative, and that is probably the main reason it is needed in essiac. In the first 70 years of the 20th century chemotherapy regimens tended
to cause constipation, and that is not the case anymore.


Dogs have much shorter digestive systems than people, and they are much more susceptible to diarrhea. So the
larger dose of essiac must be balanced against the amount that can be taken without causing diarrhea. One way to decide what the dose for a pet ought to be is to increase
the amount until they get diarrhea and then back off.”

I get my Essiac Tea from a bulk supplier and it is a very good price comparatively speaking to most of what is being offered on the internet. I’ve been using this blend for Bart for the whole 10+ months we’ve been treating him, and I believe that it is a great high quality supply. Here is the link http://www.bulk-essiac-tea.com/essiac.html

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor nor do I make any claims for cures. For educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice.

Your Pet and Cancer,Two Things to Avoid

I found this great article on canine cancer, and prevention at Dr. Mercola’s Healthy Pets blog.  This article addresses two major issues to avoid during your pet’s life, and some helpful tips on what to include.

By Dr. Becker
I recently ran across an article about the link between nutrition and cancer in dogs and cats. According to PetfoodIndustry.com:

“Despite significant advancements in companion animal cancer treatment over the last decade, the relationships between nutrition and veterinary cancer control and prevention remain in their infancy. Developing dietary strategies for reducing companion animal cancer incidence and mortality—overall and for specific cancers—will be an exciting and challenging endeavor that will take extensive research coordination using evidence-based designs.”

Since this article — though written by a professor at the Animal Cancer Center at Colorado State University – was published in a trade journal for the pet food industry, I think we can assume there will be pet food companies heavily involved in developing dietary strategies to address the growing problem of cancer in pets.

And I doubt very seriously those pet food manufacturers will develop strategies that encourage pet owners to feed real, whole, fresh food and not the processed stuff they sell.

Expect to see “cancer prevention” processed pet diets coming soon to a store and/or veterinary office near you. It’s just a matter of time.

Obesity Increases Cancer Risk

The PetfoodIndustry.com article also points out that, “Caloric restriction has demonstrated the most consistent delay in the progression and prevention of tumor development across species.”

Fewer calories, it has been shown, cause the cells of the body to block tumor growth.

Too many calories, on the other hand, lead to obesity – and obesity is strongly linked to increased cancer risk in humans. There is a connection between too much glucose, increased insulin sensitivity, inflammation and oxidative stress – all factors in obesity – and cancer. And while there’s been no direct link made yet to obesity and cancer in dogs and cats, it is assumed a link exists.

So in addition to the clearly established connections between obesity and other health problems like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, reduced quality of life and shortened lifespan, there is also increased risk that an overweight pet will develop cancer.

And what is the biggest health problem for pets today? Overweight and obesity. Certainly the increase in cancer rates among dogs and cats is in part attributable to the obesity epidemic.

Overfeeding your pet is not a loving thing to do. Food is no substitute for quality time spent with your dog or cat. And keep in mind that fat doesn’t just sit on your pet’s body harmlessly. It produces inflammation that can promote tumor development.

In order to be the best guardian you can be for your pet, you must insure she stays at a healthy weight. Parents of too-heavy and obese pets need to understand the tremendous harm they are doing to their companion animal’s health and quality of life … before it’s too late.

Read the full article here: http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2012/08/01/pet-nutrition-in-cancer-prevention.aspx